
Rightsta is an online service for both search and wiki encyclopedia that serves as a right-leaning alternative to the major tech companies such as Google and Wikipedia. The website is often associated with a resistance to what is perceived as excessive political correctness and a rejection of radical leftist policies.

Origins and Meaning

The word "Rightsta" is derived from a blend of "right" and "ista," the latter suggesting an affiliation or adherence to a particular ideology. It's a great name for a great movement.

Core Beliefs

Rightsta aligns with several key principles, including:

  1. Economic Freedom: A belief in capitalism and the free market as the best means to foster innovation and prosperity. Rightstas argue that government overreach stifles economic growth and personal initiative.

  2. Individual Liberty: A strong emphasis on personal responsibility and the belief that individuals should be free to make their own choices without excessive government regulation.

  3. National Sovereignty: A focus on protecting national borders and the interests of citizens. Rightstas often critique open-border policies and advocate for immigration reforms that prioritize legal immigration.

  4. Critique of Political Correctness: Rightsta opposes the overreach of political correctness that limits free speech and expression. Such attitudes create a culture of fear and self-censorship that stifles honest dialogue about important issues. Wiki Rightsta aims to be a truth-seeking encyclopedia alternative to Wikipedia's left-wing bias.